Linggo, Hunyo 9, 2013

Perks of Being A Bella :)

It's been awhile again and I thought I owe you guys a new blog post. (though I don't have that much followers yet.) :p 
Well anyway, I was inspired to do this blog because of mainly, The Belle DE Jour Community, my fellow Bellas. :)

My friend, and fellow bella, Ella Prieto, which is a blogger too BTW named Budget Savy Majesty; introduced me to BDJ. I was not paying much attention to it at first cause all she use to say is, "buy this blah-blah, It has coupons that is so sulit. etc. etc." And I was like why will I buy a planner that cost around 500 php, just for its coupons. Besides, availing with those stuff in the coupon will still cost me a lot of fortune. ( That was my thinking then being a kuripot  type of person. :D )

After another year Ella again asked me to come with her, there is an event daw sa DBJ called " Belle de jour Fair". Since there was nothing to do and its for free cause she told me it's her treat, I decided to go with her. 

The fair was so much fun. Lots of booths, with different free stuffs, games that will let you win great prizes, I also attended some talks about kikay stuff that helped me a lot in the kikay field. :p

My VIP pass also gave me a chance to try Bungee and Wall Climbing!

Bungee time! :)))

Wall climbing! :))

In short, I enjoyed the fair and promised myself to buy the planner. January came and TAH-DAH! My first
ever Belle De Jour Planner! I really enjoyed the privileges that comes along with it, my hubby and I was able to avail of the Buy 1 take 1 at ace water spa, discounts and other stuff which is so sulit. :))

Aside from that I had the chance to attend different events such as Rendezvous and stuffs where I get to meet my fellow kikay Bellas, learn a lot of things.

And get a lot I MEAN A LOT OF FREE STUFFS! Who would want it right? So far we are in the second quarter of the year and I think there are still a lot of event in the near future and I'm so excited to attend. I'm just so happy that my Ella introduced me to it. And because of that, I promised myself to share it to other Bellas out there for them to experience what I was able to experience. :) So don't miss the opportunity of being a bella! Grab your own Planner now! :))